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Style Favorites: Maternity Edition

I'm currently 7 weeks postpartum and cleared to start getting back to "normal" activity. It seems like enough time to have had a look at what I wore during my pregnancy and to know what I really liked and what didn't work for me.  I showed really late, I was probably around 25-26 weeks before I had a bump that took me out of my normal clothes and even then I was still fairly small. Because of that I didn't really invest in maternity clothing. By the time I got to the point where things didn't fit or I didn't like how they fit I was less than 10 weeks from my due date. That said, we had 3 weddings to attend this year and my baby shower. I also worked until I went into labor, which was luckily a Sunday, so I did have to dress myself until the end. Another disclaimer, I was able to have a relaxed wardrobe for work which also kept me from buying more maternity wear and using what I had in my closet. My first favorite: Black Blanqi Maternity Leggings . I was re

New bb Docs

Hey guys!!
I'm trying to figure out how to balance life and blog right now. I feel like blogging again but I probably have less time than I used to. I've filmed a few things to share with you guys I love YouTube and I like the format of video versus a completely written blog and I think I'd be able to make a bigger variety of content. Im mostly doing some old school style videos right now as I get used to filming and editing since they're not things I've really done before but I'm enjoying it!
But my main reasons for writing this is to share a new video I've posted! I'd love to hear any thoughts if you have them, but also have any ideas on videos you like to see or would want to see id love to know! I know what I enjoy watching but really hope this helps me to engage more with all of you!
Xx D


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