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Style Favorites: Maternity Edition

I'm currently 7 weeks postpartum and cleared to start getting back to "normal" activity. It seems like enough time to have had a look at what I wore during my pregnancy and to know what I really liked and what didn't work for me.  I showed really late, I was probably around 25-26 weeks before I had a bump that took me out of my normal clothes and even then I was still fairly small. Because of that I didn't really invest in maternity clothing. By the time I got to the point where things didn't fit or I didn't like how they fit I was less than 10 weeks from my due date. That said, we had 3 weddings to attend this year and my baby shower. I also worked until I went into labor, which was luckily a Sunday, so I did have to dress myself until the end. Another disclaimer, I was able to have a relaxed wardrobe for work which also kept me from buying more maternity wear and using what I had in my closet. My first favorite: Black Blanqi Maternity Leggings . I was re

Challenge Accepted

Hey Guys!
So if you've been around here for a while then you'd know that my hair is a constant war ground. I am forever wanting something my hair does not want to give to me. I think for this reason hair has always been a very important beauty item to me. So I've decided I'm going to give my hair a solid 3 months of extra TLC, of the "tender, loving, care" variety. I've decided I'm going to give my hair a full on regimen that means all that I'll be doing to or with my hair for the next 90 days is going to be with the full intent of supporting hair growth. I've gotta be completely honest, the only reason this sounds hard to me is because I like to color my hair and I hate when it's oily. But my hair makes dry an understatement and oil is its greatest friend for locking in the much needed moisture it needs. But with my eyes on the mid back length prize I'm giving up immediate comfort for a long sought goal. This is my hair today the current root length and the approximate length given the braids

As my regimen I'll be washing my hair twice a week using my Function of Beauty shampoo and conditioner with a nice long overnight minimum oil treatment prior to. I'll be alternating Coconut oil and Almond oil on my lengths and using (?) Wild Growth Treatment on my scalp before and after. Between washes I'll be keeping my hair in either dutch/french braids or a bun at the moment. Internally I'll be using a Hair Skin and Nails supplement with biotin and keratin that I have been using for the past few months and will keep using. I'll keep you guys posted and I think I'll do a video either monthly or at the end to talk about how it's been. But for now it's growing season.



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