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Style Favorites: Maternity Edition

I'm currently 7 weeks postpartum and cleared to start getting back to "normal" activity. It seems like enough time to have had a look at what I wore during my pregnancy and to know what I really liked and what didn't work for me.  I showed really late, I was probably around 25-26 weeks before I had a bump that took me out of my normal clothes and even then I was still fairly small. Because of that I didn't really invest in maternity clothing. By the time I got to the point where things didn't fit or I didn't like how they fit I was less than 10 weeks from my due date. That said, we had 3 weddings to attend this year and my baby shower. I also worked until I went into labor, which was luckily a Sunday, so I did have to dress myself until the end. Another disclaimer, I was able to have a relaxed wardrobe for work which also kept me from buying more maternity wear and using what I had in my closet. My first favorite: Black Blanqi Maternity Leggings . I was re

Hair Challenge Update: 7 months

1 week

1 month

7 months

So it's been a while since I gave an update on how my hair has been growing. You know how back at the beginning of the year I challenged myself to ACTUALLY take care of my hair. Which is to say take a non passive approach to maintaining happy healthy growing hair. Personally I think I've done a pretty good job.💁
First the things I've maintained: I still take hair growth promoting vitamins everyday. I've been doing this for years its firmly a part of my daily routine and I don't see that changing any time soon! I've also still been using Redken Extreme shampoo and conditioner as well as the Pura D'or Hair Loss Prevention Therapy shampoo. My hair seems to get on well with these. While I do think some of the over processed ends of my hair have still been breaking off I don't think anything else has which is really a plus!
I have been keeping my hair in french braids or a bun basically everyday. I've had to let it breathe a bit more lately with the summer and temperatures changing a lot on the east coast. Using low manipulation styling is a great way to help delicate hair grow. Mine happens to be colored and lightened so it's definitely on the fragile side. But I seriously think low manipulation has helped, while breakage hasn't completely stopped for me yet (hair washing is when a lot of this happens for me) I have noticed a large decrease in hair fall in recent months.
The other thing I have been doing is using a scalp oil treatment with growth promoting oils. I've been using The Mane Choice Growth Treatment Oil, I pick mine up from Target. I was using it every few days but my scalp was getting over stimulated and itchy so now I use it the day before and right after I wash my hair which helps a lot. I also still use the Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner to detangle and moisturize my hair before braiding it. I've started using Summer Isle Dark Castor Oil to lock in the moisturizer before braiding and I think it has been really helping to keep my hair from getting really dry.
Overall I think my hair has grown probably around 3 inches in the last 7 months which is just about normal hair growth. I found normal growth reports ranging from 1/4 -1/2 inch per month which would land my hair at the longer side of that range. I've probably had fairly close to full retention of that growth in most areas of my hair which is the good news! I recently dyed my hair again for the first time since I started this challenge and have used higher quality products from Joico's range which haven't damaged my hair nearly as much as usual.
What I'm gathering from all of this is that if you have fragile, and color treated hair, quality of products and taking the time to truly care for your hair are the major 🔑


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