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Style Favorites: Maternity Edition

I'm currently 7 weeks postpartum and cleared to start getting back to "normal" activity. It seems like enough time to have had a look at what I wore during my pregnancy and to know what I really liked and what didn't work for me.  I showed really late, I was probably around 25-26 weeks before I had a bump that took me out of my normal clothes and even then I was still fairly small. Because of that I didn't really invest in maternity clothing. By the time I got to the point where things didn't fit or I didn't like how they fit I was less than 10 weeks from my due date. That said, we had 3 weddings to attend this year and my baby shower. I also worked until I went into labor, which was luckily a Sunday, so I did have to dress myself until the end. Another disclaimer, I was able to have a relaxed wardrobe for work which also kept me from buying more maternity wear and using what I had in my closet. My first favorite: Black Blanqi Maternity Leggings . I was re

Party Appropriate

As you may know I started working retail a few months ago. Not something I ever thought I would do purely because I didn't think I'd be good at it, my social anxiety has made approaching strangers pretty difficult for me so far in life. But I spend most of my work days in the back doing pant alterations so I don't really come into contact with too many strangers and I've been getting a long pretty well with all of my coworkers so it's turned out to be a pretty positive experience for me.
So when a coworker invited me to a little house party with some other people for work I took the chance, because the best thing for anxiety is putting yourself in situations and showing yourself you can get through them! I think it went alright it's a little hard to keep the momentum since I don't work full time at the moment and don't see them all everyday but you just gotta do what you can.
But my real point here is to share the outfit I wore that night. I had just gotten my Forever 21 Black Friday package in and decided to wear some of that a long with some things I've had around.

The floral "dress" was fresh out of the plastic. The model on the website was wearing shorts with it so I knew it was short but I figured, 'she's tall I'm short I'll size up and it'll work'. Well, it fits my body fine like I wanted a nice loose dress but it's MEGA short! Even on me and sized up I felt like if I wasn't careful my butt would show. I wore tights because it's December and I'm not tryna freeze out here, but I was definitely still aware of the length. Buyers beware!
I also wore my trusty Uniqlo Men's flannel, two or three of the boys I work with that were there were also wearing Uniqlo flannels so yeah, they're popular. I pulled out the Forever 21 purse I had just gotten too; and of course my old faithfuls, my Dr. Martens black 1490s I've semi recently gotten gold laces so I think they're a little more fun and less dirty looking than the yellow ones.

I've been having a hard time feeling motivated and up for blogging but I've gotten a new camera and I'm just going to try to put stuff up more frequently. Thanks if you've stuck it out and I hope to give you more to read soon!!


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