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Style Favorites: Maternity Edition

I'm currently 7 weeks postpartum and cleared to start getting back to "normal" activity. It seems like enough time to have had a look at what I wore during my pregnancy and to know what I really liked and what didn't work for me.  I showed really late, I was probably around 25-26 weeks before I had a bump that took me out of my normal clothes and even then I was still fairly small. Because of that I didn't really invest in maternity clothing. By the time I got to the point where things didn't fit or I didn't like how they fit I was less than 10 weeks from my due date. That said, we had 3 weddings to attend this year and my baby shower. I also worked until I went into labor, which was luckily a Sunday, so I did have to dress myself until the end. Another disclaimer, I was able to have a relaxed wardrobe for work which also kept me from buying more maternity wear and using what I had in my closet. My first favorite: Black Blanqi Maternity Leggings . I was re

Black Lips

A few weeks or so ago I was really looking into black lipstick. I was suddenly inspired and searched around for a few options. I haven't gotten around to getting any of them yet, I don't know any stores that sell the brands I found so I might just have to order some but should you also be inspired for black lipstick I just figured I'd give you a few leads. So I first came across Lime Crime when searching out their Velvetines Lip Gloss, these super pigmented lip glosses that dry to a matte finish. I could die, so good. Once I finally found the name and got to their website I looked into their other products. Turns out they have an extensive Opaque lipstick color range. From baby blue to classic red and of course, black.
Lime Crime Opaque Lipstick in Styletto

I didn't know when I first found this that it's a limited edition so I might suck it up and buy it. They're $18 and I don't really spend that much on makeup typically because I don't wear it daily or anything but for this baby I might be willing to go for it. Well after I saw the price tag I decided to try and see if there was anything comparable but for a cheaper price.
Portland Black Lipstick Co.
My search led me to Portland Black Lipstick Co. They do all natural lipsticks (always a plus) in a bunch of unusual colors including my desired black. Plus they come in a fun chapstick tube which I think is pretty fun. The black isn't really as opaque as the Lime Crime version from looks on the website but it's only $10 and they do samples for $1 which is pretty cool so I'll probably try out one or two colors to see which I like better. But I never say not to a double duty product. I'll let you know if things go well.


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